Whenever we were growing up, my brothers and I loved this one movie. Never quite knew what the name of it was.. we just knew exactly where it was at Movieland. :) So we'd always go into the back corner where all the kid movies were and pick out this movie.
Years later I found myself working at the Educational Media Services department of the Texas A&M University Library. This place is basically a free version of Movieland, ie Blockbuster for all you non-Buna folk. My brothers and I have always remembered this random movie from our childhood... the music, the characters, the basic plot (with some holes due to the fact that we were well... kids). One day while checking out movies, I stumbled upon our movie!!!! It had to have been just one of the happiest days for me. haha. I immediately started texting/calling my brothers to tell them about the find. It was called Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

since I did discover the long lost video at A&M. WHOOP!)
I think you should all google this movie and watch it. It may be a little strange for those who aren't quite into anime, but still a goodie! I hope you've all enjoyed this, my first blast from the past "Flashback Friday".
Oh and here is a picture just for kicks and giggles, old school.

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